A close-up photo of a patient's hand against a white background
Published On: December 21, 2022Categories: UncategorizedTags: , , , ,

Infections are deserving of immediate time and attention, regardless of where the patient is experiencing them. Unfortunately, the nails — be they on the fingers or toes — are often overlooked.

These fungal infections are serious and may have lasting impacts if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

And that’s why reliable testing methods are invaluable.

Focusing on Fungal Infections

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fungal nail infections — also referred to as “onychomycosis” — are commonly occurring. Specifically, the CDC reports that it may “affect up to 14% of the general population.”

The problem? Fungal infections aren’t only a source of discomfort; rather, they can be a danger to immunocompromised patients. For example, fungal infections are a leading cause of morbidity in cancer patients, as they experience neutropenia while undergoing chemotherapy and other radiation treatments.

They are also most likely to occur in patients living with:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac conditions
  • Poor circulation in the arms and/or legs
  • And more

These infections can occur from nail trauma/cracks, walking barefoot in public areas, and more

Dangers, Diagnoses, and Delayed TATs

One of the reasons fungal nail infections are so dangerous is because of how difficult it can be to provide an accurate diagnosis. These infections often mimic bacterial infections as well as “other conditions, such as psoriasis,” according to Mayo Clinic, meaning they are frequently mistreated.

Additionally, “there are many different causes of fungal nail infections,” Healthline clarifies. “Each cause has a treatment of its own.”

Consequently, secondary infections may occur as a result of mistreatment. These new infections may even spread throughout the body and possibly lead to amputation.

Again, immunocompromised patients are particularly vulnerable to these complications, and undesirable turnaround times (TATs) can contribute to the problem.

Specifically, send-out requests for culture testing of fungal nail infections are typically slow, taking at least 7 days and up to 42 days to culture completely. This directly correlates to poor patient outcomes, which is critical for cancer patients, immunocompromised patients, and other at-risk populations.

Revolutionizing Reliable Results

In order to tackle the aforementioned and revolutionize patient outcomes, NCF Diagnostics & DNA Technologies has developed an industry-leading molecular diagnostic PCR test to screen for fungal-related pathogens: NailPath™.

Our reference lab team has the ability to test for 50 different fungal species via our RT-PCR testing platform. Moreover, our team provides results within 6-8 hours from when we receive the sample, thereby moving the needle forward in the fight against fungal infection mortality.

It’s time to streamline the diagnosis and treatment process in an accurate, convenient, and cost-effective manner with NailPath™.

Ready to learn more about the choice reference lab for revolutionary results? If so, get started today and contact NCF Diagnostics & DNA Technologies by calling (352) 375-5553!